LINEHAM'S REGISTERED HAIR DRESSING BALSAM is unequalled for removing Scurf and preventing Baldness, perfumed with Otto of Roses, invaluable for Headache or Hot Climates. Encased in bottles, 11s., and an enlarged size, containing nearly three small ones, 22s. per doz. LINEHAM'S NEW BRITISH EXCELSIOR PREMATURE GREY HAIR REGENERATOR. A marvellous Restorer, will not injure the health or soil the dress. Unequalled for quality and price. In large bottles, 188. per doz. LINEHAM'S INSTANTANEOUS WHISKER OR HAIR DYE. Harmless and efficient. In cases, with instructions, 18s. per doz., easily applied. May be obtained through any Wholesale House. JOSEPH PICKERING & SONS, Albyn Works, Sheffield. FOULKES CEMENT AS USED IN ALL THE GOVERNMENT MUSEUMS. Suited for any substance, from glass and china to leather, wood, or iron, and the articles joined bear washing in boiling water. The large range of materials to which this cement is applicable, its transparency, strength, and facility in use, and the readiness with which it adheres, renders it without doubt, THE MOST USEFUL EVER INVENTED. It is equally applicable to articles of the coarsest or the most delicate construction. The great success which attended its introduction, now more than 20 years ago, has given rise to a host of imitations, under as many various titles, some of these being of an exceedingly crude character, and most unsatisfactory to both vendor and buyer. The above celebrated Cement is uniformly prepared and neatly put up, and is guaranteed to remain unchanged in any climate. Professor ARCHER, Edinburgh.-"I have invariably found yours superior to all others, and have extensively recommended its use to all my friends." Sold in Bottles at 6d. and 1s. (equal to 3 of the small). FOULKES' IMPALPABLE AND DELICATELY PERFUMED. This unique Powder possesses TOILET & NURSERY the emollient properties of ful POWDER. ler's earth, free from colour,and in a high condition of purity. Sold in Boxes at 1s. and 6d. Wholesale at the Patent Medicine Houses and Druggists' Sundriesmen; or from W. J. FOULKES, Operative Chemist, Birkenhead. ADVERTISEMENTS. DINNEFORD & CO. (The Original Patentees) Beg to announce that they have resumed the Manufacture, on their own premises and with Improved Machinery, of Horse-Hair Friction Gloves, Belts, Bath Brushes, Oxford and Cambridge Pads, &c., &c. In white, grey, and black hair, of various degrees of hardness, to suit the most delicate, without risk of injury to the skin. WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. PRINCE OF WALES BATH For wet or dry use. 218. per doz. Retail, OXFORD WASHING PAD. For cleaning and softening the hands, and for the bath. In 1 doz. boxes; 88. per doz.; Retail, 1s, each. CAMBRIDGE PAD. Hair on both sides; for softening the hands and for the bath, 128. per doz. Retail, 1s. 6d. each THE DEMIDOFF. 42s. per doz. Retail, 5s. each. DEMIDOFF. FLESH STRAP OR BELT, AND BATH STRAP. LADIES' quality, light hair and soft pile. GENTS' quality, black or grey, and pile of various degrees of hardness. 42s. per doz. Retail, 58. each. 180, NEW BOND STREET, LONDON, W. MANUFACTORY: FOLEY WORKS, OGLE STREET, MARYLEBONE. Wholesale Agents: MAW, SON & THOMPSON, 11 & 12, Aldersgate Street, E.C. KENT'S BRUSHES FOR OVER ONE HUNDRED YEARS HAVE BEEN CELEBRATED FOR THEIR DURABILITY AND SOUNDNESS. G. B. KENT & SONS have Special Patent Machinery for the Manufacture of Tooth Brushes. The colour of the Bone and Bristle, also Workmanship, is unsurpassed. CB KENT & C LONDON NAIL BRUSHES IN BONE, WOOD, AND IVORY. C.B KENT & CO HAIR BRUSHES IN IVORY, WOOD, AND BONE. COMBS IN INDIA-RUBBER, SHELL, IVORY. WASHING GLOVES OF ALL KINDS, &c., &c. SPONGES ON STRINGS 11, GREAT MARLBOROUGH ST., LONDON, W. Illustrated Catalogue post free on application. ESTABLISHED 1777. ADVERTISEMENTS. PEARS' TRANSPARENT PURE, FRAGRANT, Recommended by MR. ERASMUS WILSON, F.R.S. SOAP, Prize Medal, 1851, 1862, 1867, 1875, and 1876. Show Cards and Price Lists forwarded on application. Three-Tier Stand. Reduced price, 20s., subject. 91, GREAT RUSSELL STREET, LONDON, W.C. OAKEY'S SILVERSMITHS' SOAP. (NON-MERCURIAL.) The best and cheapest article for cleaning and polishing without waste or dirt, silver, electro-plate, Britannia metal, tin, zinc, plate glass, marble, gas globes, lustres, windows, etc. Tablets 6d. each. Guaranteed perfectly free from mercury and other injurious ingredients frequently used in the manufacture of plate powder. OAKEY'S WELLINGTON KNIFE Prepared expressly for the Patent Knife Cleaning Machines, India Rubber and Buff Leather Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant Polish, equal to new Cutlery. Packets 3d. each, Tins 6d., 18., 2s. 6d., and 4s. each. OAKEY'S WELLINGTON BLACKLEAD Imparts an immediate, brilliant, and lasting polish to all kinds of stoves, ironwork, etc. No waste, dirt, or dust in the use, adheres at once to the stove. Solid blocks, 1d., 2d. and 4d. each, and 1s. boxes. OAKEY'S POLISHING PASTE, For cleaning brass, copper, tin, pewter, etc., etc. OAKEY'S FURNITURE CREAM, For cleaning and polishing furniture, patent leather, oilcloth, etc. OAKEY'S BRUNSWICK BLACK, For beautifying and preserving stoves and all kinds of iron work. WHOLESALE: JOHN OAKEY & SONS, Manufacturers of Emery, Emery Cloth, Blacklead, Cabinet Glass Paper, etc. WELLINGTON EMERY AND BLACKLEAD MILLS, WESTMINSTER-BRIDGE ROAD, LONDON, S.E. PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED, PHILADELPHIA EXHIBITION, 1876. |