Suppositoria cum Chlorale Hydrate, Suppositoria Vaginalia cum Chlorale Sweet Spirit of Nitre, Examination of: Sweet Spirit of Nitre, Examination of: Sweet Spirit of Nitre, its Composi- tion and Analysis: F. M. Rim- Sweet Spirit of Nitre: W. Smeeton, Symes, Dr. C.: New and Unofficial Syrupus Cinchona et Ferri: Z. Patti, Syrupus Turionum Pini, 315. T. Tæniocarpum Articulatum: Dr. T. Tannin, Estimation of, by Means of : Spica, Dr. P.: A Simple Process for Substances Soluble in Alcohol, as a Spike, Essential Oil of: G. Bruy- Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi: W. Smeeton, Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi, its Com- Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi, Examina- Stains, Nitrate of Silver, Removal of : Starch, A Contribution to the Chemis- try of: Dr. V. Griessmayer, 71. Statice Caroliniana: E. L. Reed, 196. Steltzer, L. J.: Chestnut Leaves, 209. Sulphates, Researches on: A. Etard, Sulphates, Volumetric Estimation of: Sulphides, Metallic, Action of Am- Sulphides of Phosphorus: G. Ramme, Sulpho-Methylate of Soda, A New Sumach Leaves, Estimation of Tannin Tannin, The Alleged Presence of, in The Alkaloids of Pome- granate Bark, 64. Taraxacum: Dr. C. Symes, 275. Tartar, The Purity of: Dr. B. H. Tartaric Acid, Potassium Bichromate, Tattersall, J.: Estimation of Urea in Tausch, Dr. H.: The Purity of Hy- Thapsia Garganica and Thapsia | Tropine, 25, 26, 27, and 28. Thresh, J. C.: Report on Commercial Thresh, J. C.: Simple Mode of Pre- Thresh, J. C.: The Detection of Traces of Bismuth, 103. Tiemann, F., and E. Baumann: Con- Tilden, Dr. W. A.: Compounds of Tinctures, Residual, The Recovery of, Tobacco Smoke, Existence of a Tonga, A Reputed Remedy for Neu- Tonga, The Botanical Source of: E. Tooth-Wash: Dr. W. Myers, 341. Transparent Glycerin Soap, 344. Trimethylamine, The Purity of Com- Turpentine, Chian, Chemical Exam- Turpentine, Chian, Notes on R. Turpentine, Chian, The Pharmacy of: U. Uloth, Dr.: Artificial Carlsbad Salt, Ultramarine: A. Rinne, 333. Unguentum Hydrargyri: E. Dietrich, 267. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis: W. Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis: A. Unguentum Plumbi Subacetatis, Note Urea and Quinine, Hydrochlorate of: Urea and Quinine, Hydrochlorate of: Urea, Estimation of, in Urine: J. Urine, Estimation of Urea in: J. Urine, The Detection of Bile Pigments V. Valerianates of Ammonium: Dr. H. Vanillin, Estimation of: W. Haarmann Veratrum Viride: C. Bullock, 208. Viola Tricolor, The Constituents of: Wax, Japan: A. Meyer, 218. Wigner, G. W.: Chemical Examina- tion of four Samples of Chian Tur- Will, H., and A. Laubenheimer: The Wine, Detection of Fuchsine in: E. Wine, Determination of Glycerin in; Wood Gum: J. Thomsen, 99. Woodland, J.: Report on the Strength Wright, Dr. C. R. A., and Dr. E. H. X. Xanthoxylum Carolinianum: G. H. Y. Ylang-Ylang, Extract of, 341. Yvon, P.: Liquid Extract of Ergot Z. Zinc and Cadmium Arsenates: W. Zinc Chloride, as a Reagent for Zinc, Phosphates of: W. Demel, 124. Zulkowsky, C.: Diastase, 70. |