Imágenes de páginas

Suppositoria cum Chlorale Hydrate,

Suppositoria Vaginalia cum Chlorale
Hydrate, 315.

Sweet Spirit of Nitre, Examination of:
Dr. A. Dupré, 271.

Sweet Spirit of Nitre, Examination of:
Dr. J. Muter, 272.

Sweet Spirit of Nitre, its Composi-

tion and Analysis: F. M. Rim-
mington, 268.

Sweet Spirit of Nitre: W. Smeeton,

Symes, Dr. C.: New and Unofficial
Pharmaceutical Preparations, 484.
Symes, Dr. C.: Taraxacum, 275.
Syrup of Iodide of Iron, Restoration of
Discoloured: T. B. Groves, 471.
Syrup of Iodide of Iron, The Quanti-
tative Analysis of: R. H. Parker,

Syrupus Cinchona et Ferri: Z. Patti,

Syrupus Turionum Pini, 315.


Tæniocarpum Articulatum: Dr. T.
Peckolt, 229.

Tannin, Estimation of, by Means of
Cinchonine: Dr. Ostermayer, 93.
Tannin, Estimation of, in Sumach
Leaves H. Macugno, 93.


Spica, Dr. P.: A Simple Process for
Detecting Nitrogen, Sulphur, and
Chlorine in Organic Bodies, 100.
Spica, Dr. P.: Satureja Juliana, 186.
Spices, The Percentage of Extractive.

Substances Soluble in Alcohol, as a
Criterion of the Purity of: M.
Biechele, 139.

Spike, Essential Oil of: G. Bruy-
lants, 83.

Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi: W. Smeeton,

Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi, its Com-
position and Analysis: F. M. Rim-
mington, 268.

Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi, Examina-
tion of: Dr. A. Dupré, 271.
Spiritus Etheris Nitrosi, Examina-
tion of: Dr. J. Muter, 272.
Stahre, M., and Prof. Dragendorff;
Pæonia Peregrina, 207.

Stains, Nitrate of Silver, Removal of :
Dr. H. Kaetzer, 335.

Starch, A Contribution to the Chemis-

try of: Dr. V. Griessmayer, 71.
Starch and its Transformation Pro-
ducts, Contribution to the History
of: H. T. Brown and J. Heron,
Starch, On the Transformation Pro-
ducts of: C. O'Sullivan, 71.
Starck, A. A. G.: Unguentum Hy-
drargyri Nitratis, 295.

Statice Caroliniana: E. L. Reed, 196.
Steel and Iron, Euphorbium as a Pro-
tective of, 344.

Steltzer, L. J.: Chestnut Leaves, 209.
Stuart, E.: Morphine Tartrate, 23.
Sugar of Milk, Partial Synthesis of:
E. Demole, 74.

Sulphates, Researches on: A. Etard,

Sulphates, Volumetric Estimation of:
Dr. H. Precht, 118.

Sulphides, Metallic, Action of Am-
monium Salts on some: P. de
Clermont, 121.

Sulphides of Phosphorus: G. Ramme,

Sulpho-Methylate of Soda, A New
Purgative: M. Rabuteau, 335.
Sulphur, Nitrogen, and Chlorine, A
Simple Process for Detecting, in
Organic Bodies: Dr. P. Spica, 100.
Sulphuretted Hydrogen, Preparation
of Pure, for Forensic Analysis: R.
Otto, 120.

Sumach Leaves, Estimation of Tannin
in: H. Macugno, 93.

Tannin, The Alleged Presence of, in
Gentian Root: Prof. J. M. Maisch,
Tanret, C.

The Alkaloids of Pome-

granate Bark, 64.

Taraxacum: Dr. C. Symes, 275.
Taraxacum Root, Experiments on: J.
B. Barnes, 277.

Tartar, The Purity of: Dr. B. H.
Paul, 97.

Tartaric Acid, Potassium Bichromate,
as a Test for Distinguishing from
Citric Acid: C. Cailletet, 98.
Tattersall, J.: A New Test for Papa-
verine and Codeine, 24.

Tattersall, J.: Estimation of Urea in
Urine, 144.

Tausch, Dr. H.: The Purity of Hy-
drochlorate of Morphine, 23.
Terpenes, Compounds of, with Hydro-
chloric Acid: Dr. W. A. Tilden, 86.
Teuber, E.: Action of Hydrochloric
Acid on Mercuric Sulphide, 132.
Teucrium Fruticans, Preliminary Ex-
amination of: A. Oglialoro, 206.


Garganica and Thapsia | Tropine, 25, 26, 27, and 28.
Resin C. Blanchet, 241.
Turpentine, Chian: W. Martindale,
Thomsen, J.: Wood Gum, 99.
Thomson, J. S.: Preparation of Dis-
tilled Water Free from Ammonia,
Thresh, J. C.: Determination of the
Strength of Alcoholic Solutions of
Chloroform, 561.

Thresh, J. C.: Report on Commercial
Specimens of Sal Volatile and
Chloric Ether, 564.

Thresh, J. C.: Simple Mode of Pre-
paring a Solution of the Double
Iodide of Bismuth and Potassium
for Use as an Alkaloidal Reagent,

Thresh, J. C.: The Detection of

Traces of Bismuth, 103.
Thresh, J. C. Volumetric Determin-
ation of Alkaloids by Solution of
the Iodides of Bismuth and Potas-
sium, 50.

Tiemann, F., and E. Baumann: Con-
stitution of Indigo, 148.
Tiemann, F., and C. L. Reimer: Um-
belliferone Derivatives, 67.
Tiemann, F., and C. Preusse: Exam-
ination of the Methods for Deter-
mining Organic Matter in Water,

Tilden, Dr. W. A.: Compounds of
Terpenes with Hydrochloric Acid,

Tinctures, Residual, The Recovery of,
from Marcs by Upward Displace-
ment with Water: W. Elborne, 292.
Tipoana speciosa: O. Primke, 203.
Tissues, Animal, An Improved Pro-
cess for Bleaching, 335.

Tobacco Smoke, Existence of a
Poisonous Alkaloid in, differing
from Nicotine: G. Le Bon and
G. Noel, 40.

Tonga, A Reputed Remedy for Neu-
ralgia: A. W. Gerrard, 184.

Tonga, The Botanical Source of: E.
M. Holmes, 185.

Tooth-Wash: Dr. W. Myers, 341.
Towns, List of, where Members
Reside, 402.

Transparent Glycerin Soap, 344.

Trimethylamine, The Purity of Com-

[blocks in formation]

Turpentine, Chian, Chemical Exam-
ination of four Samples: G. W.
Wigner, 239.

Turpentine, Chian, Notes on R.
Modlen, 236.

Turpentine, Chian, The Pharmacy of:
R. H. Parker, 236.
Turpentine, The Atmospheric Oxid
ation of: C. T. Kingzett, 87.


Uloth, Dr.: Artificial Carlsbad Salt,

Ultramarine: A. Rinne, 333.
Umbelliferone Derivatives: F. Tie-
mann and C. L. Reimer, 67.
Unguentum Chloralis Hydratis, 314.
Unguentum contra Favum Capitis,

Unguentum Hydrargyri: E. Dietrich,


Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis: W.
B. Humrich, 296.

Unguentum Hydrargyri Nitratis: A.
A. G. Starck, 295.

Unguentum Plumbi Subacetatis, Note
on C. Bernbeck, 339.

Urea and Quinine, Hydrochlorate of:
M. Drygin, 34.

Urea and Quinine, Hydrochlorate of:
K. Jaffé, 35.

Urea, Estimation of, in Urine: J.
Tattersall, 144.

Urine, Estimation of Urea in: J.
Tattersall, 144.

Urine, The Detection of Bile Pigments
in: M. Masset, 144.


Valerianates of Ammonium: Dr. H.
Hager, 97.

Vanillin, Estimation of: W. Haarmann
and C. L. Reimer, 67.
Vapour-Density Determinations of In-
organic Bodies at High Tempera-
tures: V. and C. Meyer, 130.
Varec, Estimation of Iodine in: 0.
Schott, 128.

Veratrum Viride: C. Bullock, 208.
Vincent, C.: Application of Chloride
of Methyl for the Extraction of
Perfumes, 344.

Viola Tricolor, The Constituents of:
Prof. Dragendorff, 233.

[blocks in formation]

Wax, Japan: A. Meyer, 218.
Weidel, H.: Berberonic Acid, 96.
Whitney, H. C.: Apiol, 221.
Whooping Cough, A Specific for: Z.
T. Dallenbaugh, 319.

Wigner, G. W.: Chemical Examina-

tion of four Samples of Chian Tur-
pentine, 239.

Will, H., and A. Laubenheimer: The
Glucoside from White Mustard Seed,
Winckler, C.: Preparation of pure
Hydriodic Acid, 129.

Wine, Detection of Fuchsine in: E.
Geissler, 140.

Wine, Determination of Glycerin in;
M. Raynaud, 140.
Wischnegradsky, A.: Derivatives of
Cinchonine, 32.

Wood Gum: J. Thomsen, 99.
Woodland, J.: Report on the Strength
and Purity of Alkaline Solutions of
Potash and Ammonia as met with
in Commerce, 575.

Woodland, J.: Report on the Strength
of Commercial Specimens of Aqua
Laurocerasi, 573.

Wright, Dr. C. R. A., and Dr. E. H.
Rennie: Report on the Aconite
Alkaloids, 455.


Xanthoxylum Carolinianum: G. H.
Colton, 234.


Ylang-Ylang, Extract of, 341.

Yvon, P.: Liquid Extract of Ergot
for Hypodermic Injection, 286.
Yvon, P.: The Salicylates of Quinine,


Zinc and Cadmium Arsenates: W.
Demel, 125.

Zinc Chloride, as a Reagent for
Alkaloids: A. Jorissen, 65.

Zinc, Phosphates of: W. Demel, 124.
Zublin, and V. Meyer: Platinum
Bromide, 102.

Zulkowsky, C.: Diastase, 70.
Zulkowsky, C.: Occurrence of a Sub-
stance resembling Diastase in Beet-
root, 71.


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