Imágenes de páginas

the scientific lives, many are hardly inferior to that of Leslie, from which we have already given an extract.

fail to interest our readers :

and tropical luxuriance of life. For instancea single instance, indeed one which in itself is a world of new revelation-the possible beauty The English Opium-Eater's' Life of of the female character had not been seen as in a dream before Shakspeare called into perfect Shakspeare is a very curious performance, life the radiant shapes of Desdemona, of Imoand might well deserve to be made the sub-gene, of Hermione, of Perdita, of Ophelia, of ject of a separate criticism. We, in fact, Miranda, and many others. The Una of Spenintend to take the author to task by and bye ser, earlier by ten or fifteen years than most of on several points; but in the mean time these, was an idealized portrait of female innowe willingly acknowledge that he has dis-cence and virgin purity, but too shadowy and unplayed much ingenuity and sharpness of real for a dramatic reality. And as to the Grecian logic in this singular tract, and are sure the that any prototype in this field of Shakspearian classics, let not the reader imagine for an instant specimen of it about to be quoted cannot power can be looked for there. The Antigone and the Electra of the tragic poets are the two After this review of Shakspeare's life it be-leading female characters that classical antiquity comes our duty to take a summary survey of his offers to our respect, but assuredly not to our works, of his intellectual powers, and of his sta-impassioned love, as disciplined and exalted in tion in literature, a station which is now irrevo- the school of Shakspeare. They challenge cably settled, not so much (which happens in our admiration, severe, and even stern; as imother cases) by a vast overbalance of favourable suffrages as by acclamation; not so much by the voices of those who admire him up to the verge of idolatry, as by the acts of those who everywhere seek for his works among the primal necessities of life, demand them and crave them as they do their daily bread; not so much by eulogy openly proclaiming itself, as by the silent homage recorded in the endless multiplication of what he has bequeathed us; not so much by his own compatriots, who, with regard to almost every other author, compose the total amount of his effective audience, as by the unanimous "All hail" of intellectual Christendom: finally, not by the hasty partisanship of his own generation, nor by the biased judgment of an age trained in the same modes of feeling and of thinking with himself, but by the solemn award of generation succeeding to generation, of one age correcting the obliquities or peculiarities of another; by the verdict of two hundred and thirty years which have now elapsed since the very latest of his creations, or of two hundred and forty-seven years if we date from the earliest; a verdict which has been continually revived and re-opened, probed, searched, vexed, by criticism in every spirit, from the most genial and intelligent, down to the most malignant and scurrilously hostile which feeble heads and great ignorance could suggest when co-operating with impure hearts and narrow sensibilities; a verdict, in short, sustained and countersigned by a longer series of writers, many of them eminent for wit or learning, than were ever before congregated upon any inquest relating to any author, be he who he might, ancient or modern, Pagan or Christian. It was a most witty saying with respect to a piratical and knavish publisher, who made a trade of insulting the memories of deceased authors by forged writings, that he was among the new terrors of death." But in the gravest sense it may be affirmed of Shakspeare, that he is among the modern luxuries of life; that life is a new thing, and one more to be coveted, since Shakspeare has extended the domain of human consciousness, and pushed its dark frontiers into regions not so much as dimly descried or even suspected before his time, far less illuminated (as now they are) by beauty

personations of filial duty, cleaving to the steps of a desolate and afflicted old man; or of sisterunder circumstances of peril, of desertion, and ly affection, maintaining the rights of a brother consequently of perfect self-reliance. Iphigenia, again, though not dramatically coming before beautiful report of a spectator, presents us with us in her own person, but, according to the a fine statuesque model of heroic fortitude, and of one whose young heart, even in the very agonies of her cruel immolation, refused to for get, by a single indecorous gesture, or so much as a moment's neglect of her own princely descent, that she herself was "a lady in the land.” the warm, breathing realities of Shakspeare; These are fine marble groups, but they are not there is "no speculation" in their cold marble eyes; the breath of life is not in their nostrils; the fine pulses of womanly sensibility are not throbbing in their bosoms. And besides this immeasurable difference between the cold moony reflexes of life, as exhibited by the power of Grecian art, and the true sunny life of Shakspeare, it must be observed that the Antigones of character, like the aloe with its single blosof the antique put forward but one single trait som: this solitary feature is presented to us as an abstraction, and as an insulated quality; whereas in Shakspeare all is presented in the concrete; that is to say, not brought forward in relief, as by some effort of an anatomical artist, but embodied and imbedded, so to speak, as by the force of a creative nature, in the complex system of human life; a life in which all the ele ments move and play simultaneously, and with something more than mere simultaneity or co-existence, acting and re-acting each upon the other, nay, even acting by each other and through for ever a real organic life, where each is for the each other. In Shakspeare's characters is felt whole and in the whole, and where the whole is for each and in each. They only are real incarnations.'

Who can read such a passage as this without asking why the author has written so little?

Many of the names which we have already noticed would of themselves furnish a

sufficient guarantee that no noxious or of-, sciences which have made such rapid and fensive strain of sentiment was to intermin- sure progress as those of Comparative ANAgle in the work to which they lent their tal- TOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, and MEDICINE. The ents. The Editor is well known to be study of fossil remains, now the right hand strictly attached to the Whig side of poli- of geology, has given an impulse to comtics, but he had too much candour or saga- parative anatomy hitherto unknown. The city to think of making an Encyclopædia labours of Cuvier led the way in this spethe repository of party views. In the econo- cies of inquiry, which is now carrying on mical theories of some of his contributors, it with the most singular activity and success is impossible that we should concur from in every part of the world. Comparative one or two of them we differ widely-but anatomy, which had previously been an obwithout exception they seem to have drawn ject merely of curiosity and of occasional an elevating and purifying tone of mind research, became in Cuvier's hands the bafrom just and manly consideration of the sis of natural history and physiology, and nature of such a work as this, and composed the mainstay of geology. In his Leçons their several disquisitions in a calm and d'Anatomie Comparée,' a work in five volphilosophic spirit. The articles on LEGIS- umes, he has given the details upon which LATION and on the Laws and Government he formed the philosophical classification of England, by Mr. Empson, are equally which we have already mentioned; and in distinguished by their ability and modera- the splendid Museum of Natural History in tion ; and Mr. M'Culloch has condensed Paris he has preserved actual proofs of the a great mass of knowledge, which men of facts upon which this great generalization all parties should be glad to see so put to is founded. Regarding every animated begether, in his POLITICAL ECONOMY, Ex- ing as destined for a special purpose, and CHANGE, INTEREST, TAXATION, PAPER-MON- pursuing this fundamental idea, he drew EY, and PRINCIPLES OF BANKING. Mr. the general conclusion that every bone, Malthus drew up the skilful compendium and fragment of a bone, bears the mark of of his own views under the head of POPU-the class, order, genus, and even species, to LATION; Mr. Ricardo the lucid article on which it originally belonged. From these the FUNDING SYSTEM; and Mr. Mill simple truths have sprung all those fine disbrought all his usual resources to the Es-coveries and noble views respecting the says on COLONIES, ECONOMISTS, and PRIS- successive creation and extinction of races ON DISCIPLINE. To Professor Napier we of animals which give interest and grandowe an able article on the BALANCE of eur to the science of geology. Nowhere POWER. The subject of the English Poor have these researches been pursued with Laws, which will probably for many years more ardour and success than in England; to come be a subject of contentious interest and, if we except the gigantic charnelboth in England and Scotland, has been house of fossil remains in Paris already treated in a very useful manner by Mr. mentioned, nowhere have collections of Coode. The kindred subjects of General fossil osteology been more numerous and LAW and STATISTICS, the last of which has ris-valuable. The splendid cabinet of the en into great popularity as a science throughout every part of Europe, have also occupied a due share of attention. Three elaborate treatises on the Canon, Civil, and Feudal Law, have been contributed by Dr. Irving; the statistical article on the NAVY The Essays on Human and Comparative was drawn up by Sir John Barrow, whose ANATOMY, on SURGERY, and on VETERINAofficial position gave him the best opportu- RY MEDICINE, written by Dr. Craigie, Mr. nities for the task; and to the same hand we Miller, and Mr. Dick, are copious and inowe many of the most valuable topographi-structive; and in the article PHYSIOLOGY, cal and geographical articles in the work, among which that on CHINA may be specially mentioned. The greater number of the papers on European Geography and Statistics were written by Mr. Jacob, and the Asiatic articles by Mr. Buchanan: to Mr. Jacob we also owe the notices of the principal Counties, Cities, and Towns of England, and to the Rev. Edward Groves the corresponding series for Ireland.

There are, perhaps, none of the practical

Earl of Enniskillen and Sir Philip Egerton, at Lewes, possesses a scientific interest which could only have been given to it by the knowledge and talents of such proprie tors.

by Dr. Roget, the reader will find the elements of the science, and a full account of recent discoveries drawn up with admirable perspicuity. The articles on MEDICINE, PRACTICE of PHYSIC, and PATHOLOGY, Writ ten by Dr. William Thomson; on MENTAL DISEASES, by Dr. Poole; and on POISONS, by Dr. Christison, &c., complete the circlo of our knowledge on the healing art.

The last and the most interesting of the sciences which our limits permit us to no

tice is that of THEOLOGY-a branch the least studied and the least appreciated of all our knowledge. Forming an element in the early training of us all, memory sometimes retains amidst our secular pursuits a slight trace of the meagre alphabet which it has learned; and the faint impressions of domestic example, and the associated fragments of divine truth, may sometimes have power to direct and restrain the will when interest or passion are its assailants. But the great truths of theology are throughout the busy world in general neither objects of study nor grounds of action: the gaiety of the social circle is neither enlivened by their joys, nor disturbed by their terrors, and if men's breasts are ever touched with a holy influence during the brief hour which they weekly dedicate to eternity, it is but the ripple of the summer breeze, which subsides as it advances, and leaves no under-current either of feeling or of thought. It is fortunate, then, for beings thus constituted-thus indifferent to the highest and most permanent interests of their nature-that a few of the mustardseeds of divine truth should be scattered even in the uncleared forests and the pathless jungle of accumulated knowledge. In the pursuit of frivolous amusement or of lucrative science, some passing hand may be induced to crop the salutary blade, or he who reads to scoff may by reading still further have learnt to pray. It may be in the moral as it is in the physical world, that we only learn to appreciate the value of the condiment when we have discovered its virtues among our daily food; and those who are the salt of the earth, and that which is the salt of knowledge may display, their highest qualities only when in a state of association with what is wicked, or of combination with what is poisonous. It is in the energy and force, indeed, of their re-agency that the moral and material elements exhibit their strongest affinities and their highest powers.

We hold it, then, to be a peculiar advantage to readers of all ages and ranks that in most of our current encyclopædias articles of sound theology are interspersed with those of secular learning, and we are confident that in no work of the kind has this been more judiciously done than in that before us. The primary article on THEOLOGY was written by Bishop Gleig; and neither in the additions since made to that, nor in any of the subsidiary essays-though divines of various denominations appear in the list of contributors-do we find any statement of doctrine on any leading point inconsistent with the orthodox exemplar of

the venerable prelate. One of the most important articles connected with this subject is from the pen of a layman. In this Mr. Douglas of Cavers, well known to the literary world by the eloquence and power of his writings, but more affectionately by his labours of love among the erring and the ignorant, has given us a deeply interesting account of the religious missions which characterize and honour the age in which we live. Another article equally striking is that by Dr. Gilly, under the head of Valdenses,—an eloquent account, from personal observation, of that small community of Protestants, who, in the secluded valleys of the Cottian Alps, have for many centuries maintained the purity of their faith and worship, and kept up the vestal fire of their mountain church in the midst of privations and persecutions not yet extinguished.

We are tempted to quote part of this paper, which ought at least to possess a very lively interest at the present time :—

The reigning King of Sardinia, Charles Albert, is disposed to show them kindness, and to place them on a level with his other subjects. He has proved this by numberless acts of favour: but the tiara and the mitre are too strong for the crown in Piedmont, and the baneful influence of the Papal authority, so late as September 1837, wrung from the reluctant King two articles in the new code of Sardinia, by which the intole rant edicts of the 16th and 17th centuries are renewed, and may be put in force as soon as the Roman hierarchy shall feel itself strong enough to do so. In the mean time another engine is employed against the hapless Valdenses. The rich order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus has contributed 95447,, and an income of 6807. a-year, towards the establishment of a fraternity of missionary priests at La Tour, whose business it will be to make proselytes from the descendants of a race which has never yet swerved from its faith, but which will now be exposed adversary who knows well how to turn opportunities to advantages.

more than ever to the threats and artifices of an

"The Protestants of England have not been inattentive to the condition of their brethren in the valleys of Piedmont. Public collections have on several occasions been made throughout tion of the Gospel in Foreign Parts is the trustee the kingdom, and the Society for the Propagaof considerable funds raised in their behalf; a committee in London, consisting of the Archbishop of Canterbury, several Bishops, and other persons of distinction, has also been employing contributions in aid of the clergy, hospitals, and schools of the Valdenses, and watching over their interests, since 1825.

The difficulties with which the Valdenses have now to contend are poverty and reduced numbers, being confined to limits which do not produce subsistence for more than a very limited population. They also labour under the

disadvantage of having to learn three languages before they can receive competent instruction. Their national language is Italian; their vernacular tongue is a provincial dialect peculiar to their district: and the language of instruction is French, because in that only they can obtain

books of devotion used by Protestants.

rial, of that too from quarters hitherto inaccessible, must, like every other advantage, have had its concomitant evils. The labour of control and superintendence must have been proportional to the standing of the workman; and it must have required If the Government of Great Britain should temper and decision of no ordinary qualicease to exercise its good offices at the court of ty to enforce unity and symmetry of execuTurin in behalf of the Protestants of Piedmont, tion, and to combine such various elements or if the people of Great Britain should become in anything like just and definite proporindifferent to the moral and spiritual wants of tions. this impoverished community, the religious lities are, there are others still greater, Great, however, as these difficulberties of the Valdenses will be no more, and the lamp of this little mountain church will be which analogous experience only cau enaextinguished for ever." us to estimate. In the case of a journal like our own, or almost any other spe

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Such is a very general account of the na-cies of periodical work, if the editor is disture and character of the different classes appointed in receiving an article, he must, of articles which compose the Encylope- indeed, but he also can, immediately redia Britannica.' Those who have explored, place it with another, whether on the same as we have done, many of its departments, or on some different subject. The mechanwill, we trust, regard our estimate as nei-ism of the press goes on with a few inapther partial nor exaggerated. To those preciable pauses; the work issues with its who have not had this advantage, or who wonted regularity, and the public can disare unacquainted with the work, we can cover nothing more, if they discover anyoffer but the guarantee of illustrious names. thing at all, than that an article of slender But however great be the merits of the merit, or on some rather obsolete topic, has leading contributors to a work of this kind, found its way into the number. But the there is one individual-the editor-who case is very different with an encyclopædia. must be the mainspring of the undertaking, If the illness of an author, or the sudden and to whom a very great share of praise call of business, or any other cause, premust be due. In editing this work, Pro- vents him from fulfilling his task at the apfessor Napier brought to the task all the pointed time, the whole machinery is experience which he had acquired during stopped. The alphabetical arrangement the publication of the Supplement which must be adhered to; and a treatise on preceded it. From his extensive literary Chemistry, or Medicine, or Political Econconnexions he succeeded in commanding omy, cannot be written on the spur of the the services of authors who had never be- moment. The printers and engravers and fore written for similar works, and who bookbinders are thrown idle, and the ediwere prompted by no other motives but tor is left to consider whether he will wait, those of friendship. When men of the for months perhaps, for the article of which very highest reputation were the avowed he has been disappointed, and which is percontributors to an encyclopædia, authors of haps half-finished, or call in the aid of inferior name, though of equal fitness for another writer, who may take a still longer their respective tasks, were not likely to time to complete his task. No less harasswithhold their aid. In fact, it was deemed ing must be the case, which we can easily an honour to contribute to a work thus sus- suppose to be equally common, when an tained; and we have no doubt that one of author produces an article three or four the many difficulties encountered by the times longer than the allotted space. Thinkeditor was to select the best qualified from ing his own subject the most important, he the numerous recruits that flocked to his treats it fully, and perhaps admirably, but standard. This facility of obtaining the on such a scale as to render its admission best qualified assistants was, no doubt, in- impracticable. To cut it down, or to allow creased by the liberality of the publishers. another to cut it down, is wormwood and The authors of articles of profound science, bitterness; and the editor must either rewhich, commercially speaking, had no va- ject it altogether and give mortal offence to lue but in an encyclopædia, were, we are his friend, or by the compromise of a assured, remunerated as handsomely as slight abridgment introduce the still giganthose who communicated the most popular tic production and destroy the symmetry of articles; and the labours of men of high his undertaking. But, notwithstanding talent, were thus, as it were, created by the these difficulties, to which the present work work. must have been peculiarly exposed, there is less appearance of disproportion in its

But this ample supply of literary mate

parts than in any other encyclopædia that we have had occasion to examine.

weary voyage, and become a well-informed man before he reached his destination.

In a work of such magnitude as this, the Considering the imperishable nature of liberality of the proprietors is best seen in books, the cheapness with which they are the number and nature of the maps, en- now produced, and the rapidity and extent gravings, and woodcuts. At the commence- of their production, we are convinced that ment of the publication the geographical some great revolution must soon take place articles were illustrated only by quarto in their manufacture and use. Libraries, maps, but these were afterwards cancelled, both public and private, are now extending and a new series of a folio size substituted themselves beyond reasonable bounds. in their place. These maps form a com- Apartments cannot be found to contain plete and excellent atlas. The engravings, them; and there are many libraries where upon steel, are numerous and well execut- the volumes stand three feet deep, and thus ed; and the introduction of woodcuts into become inaccessible to their owners. In the text, a plan new in encyclopædias, has the progress of accumulation wing after given a peculiar value to many articles. In those of STEAM, STEAM-ENGINE, and STEAM NAVIGATION, though almost every page is illustrated by numbers of the most correct and beautiful woodcuts, yet the proprietors have given no fewer than TWENTYTwo splendid engravings-five of them in folio-to illustrate these articles alone. The plates, too, are executed with the minuteness of working drawings, and in the present predominance of civil engineering, as connected with locomotive and steamboat engines, they must be an invaluable present to all who pursue that interesting profession.

wing must be added to the storehouse of learning, and librarian after librarian, till space, as well as funds, are exhausted. But if this be the case at present, with our restricted trade and limited communication with foreign states, what must be the condition of our libraries when railway intercourse shall have made the nations of Europe one family, speaking each other's languages, and creating a new demand for each other's intellectual productions? Unfortunately for authors there is no epidemic among books, to thin their ranks, and render necessary a new supply; and the fire-proof inventions of the present day extinguish the hopes which were sometimes realised from the timberboards of our books and the wooden carpentry of our libraries. There is, therefore, no law of mortality by which the number of books is regulated like that of animals; and, since we cannot control their accumulation, we should endeavour, as soon as we can, to reduce their magnitude and increase their portability.

From the observations which we have already had occasion to make, our readers may have drawn the inference that an encyclopædia like this must be a work of great utility, even to those who possess, or have access to, ample libraries. With an index enumerating every article in the work, and also the leading topics which those articles contain, we can at once direct our attention to any subject upon which we require information; and if we do not find The compression of many hundred all that we desire, our attention will be volumes into an encyclopædia, forming a turned to sources from which it can be ob- complete library of itself, has been a great tained. But if the mature cultivator of step towards the accomplishment of this letters and science finds such a companion desirable object, and it is probably the only almost indispensable, of what value must it one of which in our time we shall reap the be to the young, perhaps narrowly provided advantage. But it is only a step; and and obscurely situated student, in the years though we cannot foresee the extent to when the foundations are to be laid! How which the principle of compressing knowabsolutely inappreciable must such a reposi-ledge, not only in its corporeal but in its tory of knowledge be to the unlettered intellectual phase, may be carried, yet we reader of all ranks, to the humble artisan as clearly recognize certain steps in the prowell as to the country gentleman and the opulent manufacturer and merchant! Occupying only four or five cubic feet of space, it would not encumber either the traveller or the emigrant; and an Australian or New Zealand settler, who left his home with no Smith, is a delightful improvement of human 'Railroad travelling,' says the Rev. Sydney other accomplishment but that of being life. Man is become a bird: he can fly longer able to read, write, and count, might with and quicker than a Solan goose. The mamma such a companion beguile his long and rushes 60 miles in two hours to the aching finger

cess which may be immediately taken, and certain consequences flowing from them which cannot fail to excite our highest expectations of ultimate success.

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