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ART. II.-The Encyclopædia Britannica;, dertaking. In consequence of a dispute or Dictionary of Arts, Science, and Gene- between Gua and the booksellers, the ediral Literature. Seventh Edition, with torship of the Encyclopédie was entrusted Preliminary Dissertations, &c., &c. Ed- to D'Alembert and Diderot, who, while ited by Macvey Napier, Esq., F. R. S. they represent Chambers as a servile comEdinburgh, 1842. 21 vols., 4to. piler, principally from French writers, acknowledge at the same time that without the groundwork of the French translation of that book, their own would never have been composed. To enlarge an article already written was a task which the con

would have shrunk from the labour and responsibility of composing a new one.

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THE task of analysis and appreciation would have been overwhelming, had this vast work been submitted to our judgment in the fulness of its stature, and in the maturity of its age: but we have had the ad-tributors willingly undertook, while they vantage of being familiar with it from an early period of its existence; and trust, therefore, that our readers will not deem A few years after the completion of this us presumptuous if, in giving them an ac- work, which has been as much reprobated count of its rise and progress, we at the on account of the irreligious and revolusame time venture to pronounce a judg- tionary doctrines which it inculcates, as it ment upon its general merits, and even has been extolled for the originality and upon some of the most remarkable articles depth of many of its articles, the first ediwhich its pages now contain. tion of the Encyclopædia Britannica' was Although we might naturally have ex-given to the world in three vols. 4to. It pected that dictionaries explanatory of was edited, and the plan of it probably dewords would give rise to dictionaries ex-vised, by Mr. William Smellie, a printer in planatory of ideas, and descriptive of the Edinburgh, and the author of an interestthings which these words represent, yet ing book on natural history. The pecusuch a transition was not the first step liarity of this encyclopædia consisted in its which was taken in the composition of en- treating each branch of literature and scicyclopædias. Systematic digests of litera-ence under its proper name, and in a systeture and science appeared under the name of encyclopædias long before the alphabet was employed as the principle of the arrangement. The Arabian Encyclopædia of Alfarabius, of which the MS. exists in the Escurial, and the more modern one of Professor Alstedius of Weissenbourg (2 vols. folio, 1630,) are examples of this method of systematizing knowledge.

The first Dictionary of the arts and sciences was the 'Lexicon Technicum' of Dr. Harris, which was published in two folio volumes, the first in 1706, the second in 1710; but its limitation almost entirely to mathematics and physics, deprived it of the character of an encyclopædia work.

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This dictionary was followed, in 1721, by the Cyclopædia' of Mr. Chambers, a work of great merit and utility, which ran through no fewer than five editions in the course of eighteen years. Its reputation extended to the continent, and it was translated into French and Italian. The French translation was completed in 1745, by one Mills, an Englishman, with the assistance of Sellius, a native of Dantzic. About this time the Abbé de Gua projected the celebrated 'Encyclopédie,'.a collection which formed an epoch in the literary, if not in the political, history of Europe. So limited was the early plan of this work, that Mills's translation of the Cyclopædia of Chambers was assumed as the groundwork of the un

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matic form, the technical terms and subordinate heads being likewise explained alphabetically-while details slightly connected with the general subject could bo thus separately introduced.

We have now before us two rival methods of constructing an encyclopædia, each of which has been regarded as possessing peculiar advantages. Although from the prevalence of both methods we cannot rightly collect the opinion of the public, yet we have no hesitation in giving a decided preference to that in which the leading branches of knowledge are discussed in separate treatises, as in the Encyclopædia Britannica.' The facility of composing, or of obtaining authors to compose, the short articles which correspond to the technical titles or sections of any branch of science, has no doubt led to the opposite method, which is exemplified in the Cyclopædias of Harris and Chambers. But when these titles or sections are numerous, as they generally are, when they are written by different authors, in different styles of execution, and on different scales, they must compose a disjointed and unsystematical whole, which cannot fail to be unsatisfactory to the general reader, as well as to the ardent student. The only method indeed by which such a plan can be properly executed is to have the general treatises composed by a single individual, and

afterwards distributed, in separate parts, into their alphabetical places. The sole advantage, however, which this process of sub-division holds out to us is, that the ignorant and illiterate may readily find out a subject in the alphabetical arrangement, when he would fail in his search were he to appeal to the general treatise ;-and the evil in question may be completely remedied either by inserting the name of each subject in its alphabetical place, or, what is still better, by a general index to the whole work, by which the same subject may be traced through different treatises, and even minor articles.

The first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica, distinguished by these advantages, obtained an extensive circulation, and the proprietors were thus induced, in a less period than twelve years, to publish a second edition, on a larger scale and a more comprehensive plan. Within the wider compass of ten volumes the editor was enabled to include the two new and popular departments of Biography and History, which had not found a place in the French Encyclopédie. This enlargement of the plan made the work acceptable to the vast circle of readers for whom the details of art and of science had but few charms; and the Encyclopædia then came to be regarded as a family library, forming in itself a storehouse of knowledge suited to capacities of every depth, to students of every age, and to readers of every variety of taste. Hitherto, however, the Encyclopædia Britannica was chiefly distinguished by the comprehensiveness of its plan, and the judiciousness of its compilation. No author of high reputation had been invited to its aid-no articles exhibiting either genius or profound learning had adorned its pages. The vast superiority of the philosophical articles in the French collection, and the brilliant names with which they were associated, had no doubt some influence in rousing the enterprise of the proprietors, and in exciting higher expectations on the part of the English public. The third edition of the Encyclopædia' was accord ingly begun in more favourable circumstances, and under the management of Mr. Colin Macfarquhar ; but it was not till after his death, in 1793, when the Reverend Dr. Gleig of Sterling (afterwards Bishop of Brechin) took the direction of the work, that its scientific and literary character as sumed a decidedly higher tone. This learned divine succeeded in obtaining the assistance of Professor John Robison, a man of kindred opinions, both in religion and politics, and animated with ideas the

very reverse of those which characterized the French encyclopædists. The first of Professor Robison's labours was the revision and enlargement of the article Optics. He wrote the article Philosophy jointly with Dr. Gleig, and this was followed by the articles Physics, Pneumatics, Precession, Projectiles, Pumps, Resistance, Rivers, Roof, Ropemaking, Rotation, Seamanship, Signal, Sound, Specific Gravity, Statics, Steam-engine, Steelyard, Strength of Materials, Telescope, Tide, Trumpet, Variation, and Waterworks. When two supplementary volumes were added to complete the work, Professor Robison contributed the articles Arch, Astronomy, Boscovich, Carpentry, Centre, Dynamics, Electricity, Impulsion, Involution, Machinery, Magnetism, Mechanics, Percussion, Piano-forte, Position, Temperament, Thunder, Trumpet, Tschirnhaus, and Watchwork. These articles, in the estimation of the late illustrious Dr. Thomas Young, 'exhibit a more complete view of the modern improvements in physical science than had ever before been in the possession of the British public; and display such a combination of acquired knowledge, with original power of reasoning, as has fallen to the lot of a few only of the most favoured of mankind.' In this estimate we heartily concur. The state of physical science was at a low ebb in England previous to the writings of Robison. The labours of continental philosophers were but little known even to those who occupied the chairs in our universities; and those who had obtained some knowledge of them could impart it to their pupils only. The general student and the ingenious artisan drew their information from its ancient springs, while the finest researches lay concealed in foreign languages, or were confined to a few philosophers more ardent and active than their fellows. The state of Robison's health was such as not to permit him to embark lightly in the arduous labour of ransacking the numerous stores of continental science; and even if he had succeeded in collecting them, there was no proper channel through which they could have been communicated to the public. How fortunate, then, was it that the Encyclopædia Britannica held out an ample remuneration for this laborious enterprise, and induced so accomplished a person as Robison to transfer to its pages the noblest researches of modern science! The fine speculations of the Abbé Boscovich on the atomical constitution of matter-his valuable researches on achromatic combinations-the grand discoveries of Coulomb on electricity and magnetism

preliminary Dissertations,-to some of its principal articles on science and literature, and, in a more general manner, to the various subordinate departments of the work.

In arranging his general plan, the Editor proposed to have but two preliminary Dissertations, the first containing the History of Metaphysical, Ethical, and Political Philosophy, and the second that of Mathe

and the valuable hydraulic researches of the Chevalier de Buat on rivers and waterworks, were here for the first time laid before the British public. But although Professor Robison used to speak to his pupils of these essays as merely compilations intended to diffuse knowledge, yet they possess a character of a much higher kind. The labours of others rose in value under his hands; his thorough knowledge of the subject gave every contribution an air of ori-matical and Physical Science. Professor ginality, and new views and ingenious suggestions never failed to enliven his details. Throughout these multifarious treatises we feel everywhere the steady serene influence of an ardent love of truth, the highest tone of scientific morality, and a deep sense of religion.

In the year 1810 a fourth edition of the work was completed under the editorship of the late Dr. James Millar, and a fifth and a sixth edition, marked by no distinguishing peculiarities, successively appeared. From this state of lethargy, however, the 'Encyclopædia' was destined to assume the highest station among the analogous works of the day. The enterprising house of Constable and Co. projected a Supplement, which extended to six volumes. It was placed under the skilful management of Professor Napier. Many very distinguished authors, among whom are numbered the names of Arago and Biot, were engaged as contributors, and all the resources of the proprietors, both pecuniary and commercial, were devoted to this favourite undertaking. The first half volume (December, 1815) was enriched with a Preliminary Dissertation on the History of Ethical Science,' by Mr. Dugald Stewart, and the Supplement was completed in April, 1824.

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A few years afterwards the copyrights were purchased by the present proprietors, who immediately made preparations for the seventh edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica,' which we have now before us. Their object was to widen it in its compass, to amplify and improve it in its contents, and to raise it, in all respects, to a level with the modes of thinking and spirit of the age;' and we have no hesitation in saying that they have, to a very large extent, fulfilled this obligation, both in the number and value of the original treatises which it contains, in the careful revision and extension of former articles, and in the elaborate engravings, maps, and embellishments with which the work is illustrated and adorned.

In order to give our readers some idea of the nature and value of this immense collection, we shall call their attention to its

Stewart engaged to supply the former, and Professor Playfair the latter; but though each performed a large portion of his task, they were both carried off in the midst of their labours. Mr. Stewart had completed the History of Metaphysics, and Mr. Playfair had brought the History of the Mathematical and Physical Sciences down to the period of Newton and Leibnitz. Sir James Mackintosh undertook to complete the labours of his friend by a continuation, including the History of Ethical and Political Philosophy, but he too was summoned from his labours before he had commenced the political portion of his subject. Professor Leslie resumed the History of the Physical Sciences at the point where they had been left by his predecessor, and brought it down to the commencement of the present century; but though he was spared to finish his task, he did not live to see the completion of the work to which he had been so active a contributor.

It is no wonder that the Dissertations produced by these four extraordinary men are regarded with peculiar pride in Scotland. Few nations, indeed, can boast of such an intellectual group living at the same time, and adorning the same society; and yet, with powers of mind not far from equality, how various were their gifts, and how diversified their genius! While Stewart derived his powers of mental analysis and combination from the study of his own mind, chastened by the early and severe discipline of geometry, and expanded by extensive knowledge of preceding researches,— Mackintosh approached the same subject under a profound acquaintance with the world

with the penetrating acuteness derived from legal studies, and with all the generalisations which an active and political life is likely to supply to a naturally very acute understanding. In the Dissertation of the one a stately and persuasive eloquenceinfluenced, no doubt, but rendered more commanding, by the habit of extempore

This dissertation has been published separately, with a very able Preface by Mr. WHEWELL.

lecturing-excites the enthusiasm, without | logical accuracy; but we doubt if any surpassed distracting the attention, of the reader ;- him, while he must be allowed to have surpassed while in the other the style is at once ele- most, in that creative faculty-one of the highgant, copious, and felicitous in its illustra-est and rarest of Nature's gifts-which leads to and is necessary for discovery, though not alltions-pure in its metaphors-elevated by sufficient of itself for the formation of safe cona high tone of moral feeling-and exhibit- clusions; or in that subtilty and reach of dising, in singular, yet harmonious combina- cernment, which seizes the finest and least obtion, the chaste and severe language of phi- vious qualities and relations of things, which losophy, and the flexible and powerful pe- elicits the hidden secrets of nature, and ministers riods of forensic eloquence. to new and unexpected combinations of her "Discoveries in science," says he, in But the contrast is much more striking powers. one of his works, "are sometimes invidiously between the two philosophers who have re- referred to mere fortuitous incidents. But the corded the achievements of mathematical mixture of chance in this pursuit should not deand physical science. Familiar though tract from the real merit of the invention. Such they both were with the highest acquisitions occurrences would pass unheeded by the bulk of of geometry and analysis, yet how differ- men; and it is the eye of genius alone that can ently were those instruments of research seize every casual glimpse, and discern the chain directed and applied! In quest only of of consequences." In quest only of of consequences." With genius of this sort he truth, the mind of Playfair never deviated was richly gifted. Results overlooked by others were by him perceived with a quickness apfrom the accustomed and deep-worn chan- proaching to intuition. To use a poetical exnels by which it had been reached. Eager pression of his own, they seemed "to blaze on principally for fame, the scientific faculties his fancy." He possessed the inventive in a far of Leslie were counteracted by antagonist higher degree of perfection than the judging and forces. Under the restraining influence reasoning powers; and it thus sometimes hapof abstract truth, and the more powerful pened that his views and opinions were not only curb of the dread of error, the one seldom at variance with those of the majority of the learned, but inconsistent with one another. ventured into the regions of invention and Notwithstanding the contrary testimony, expli discovery, while the other-with loose reins citly recorded, of the founders of the English and heedless pace-diverged from the beat- Experimental School, he denied all merit and en highway of knowledge, and struck into influence to the labours of the immortal deline those devious paths where Nature often un- ator of the Inductive Logic. He freely derided veils her mysteries, and yields to the daring the supposed utility of Metaphysical Science, enterprise of Fancy what she refuses to the without perceiving that his own observations on Causation virtually contained the important ad more deliberate approaches of Reason. It mission, that physical is indebted to mental is in science as it is in war-the forlorn philosophy for the correct indication of its legiti hope succeeds when the physical force of mate ends and boundaries. His writings are thousands has been exhausted. In the in- replete with bold and imaginative suppositions; tellectual campaign it is not often that the yet he laments the "ascendency which the pas gallantry of genius can be exercised simul- sion for hypothesis has obtained in the world." taneously with the sapping and mining of His credulity in matters of ordinary life was, to mental labour, yet the philosophical charac- say the least of it, as conspicuous as his tendency to scepticism in science. It has been profoundly ter can only attain its full and perfect sta- remarked by Mr. Dugald Stewart that, "though ture when the powers of reason and the the mathematician may be prevented, in his gifs of fancy are united in definite propor- own pursuits, from going far astray, by the ab surdities to which his errors lead him, he is seldom apt to be revolted by absurd conclusions he adds, "mathematicians have been led to ac in other matters. . . . . Thus, even in physics," quiesce in conclusions which appear ludicrous to men of different habits." Something of this sort was observable in the mind of this distinguished mathematician. He was apt, too, to indulge in unwarrantable applications of mathe matical reasoning to subjects altogether foreign to the science:-as when he finds an analogy between circulating decimals and the lengthened cycles of the seasons! But when the worst has been said, it must be allowed that genius has struck its captivating impress over all his works. Whether his bold speculations lead him to figure the earth as enclosing a stupendous concavity filled with light of overpowering splendour; or to predict the moon's arrival at an age when her "silvery beams" will become extinct; or to as incribe the phenomena of radiated heat to aerial


As separate lives of all these authors, except Leslie, had been previously published, our readers will, we doubt not, be gratified with the following candid and well-written character of this eminent man by Professor Napier :

It would be impossible, we think, for any intelligent and well-constituted mind, thoroughly acquainted with the powers and attainments of Sir John Leslie, to view them without a strong feeling of admiration for his vigorous and inventive genius, and of respect for that extensive and varied knowledge, which his active curiosity, his excursive reading, and his happy memory, had enabled him to amass and digest. Some few of his contemporaries in the same walks of science may have excelled him in profundity of understanding, in philosophical caution, and

pulsations, we at least perceive the workings blest company; and we have often known him of a decidedly original mind. This, however, pass an afternoon with mere boys, discoursing is not all. His theoretical notions may be thrown to them pleasantly upon all topics that presented aside or condemned, but his exquisite instru- themselves, just as if they had been his equals ments, and his experimental combinations, will in age and attainments. He was thus greatly ever attest the utility, no less than the origin-liked by many who knew nothing of his learnality of his labours, and continue to act as helps ing or science, except that he was famous for to farther discovery. We have already alluded both.'* to the extent and excursiveness of his reading. It is rare, indeed, to find a man of so much in- But it is time to leave the Preliminary vention, and who himself valued the inventive Dissertations, and their authors, and come above all the other powers, possessing so vast a to the body of the book. store of information. Nor was it in the field of

science alone that its amplitude was conspicu-matical and physical articles have occupied In almost all encyclopædias the matheous. It was so in regard to every subject that books have touched upon. In Scottish history, a prominent place, and have generally been in particular, his knowledge was alike extensive regarded as the most valuable and imporand accurate: and he had, in acquiring it, gone deep into sources of information-such as parish records, family papers, and criminal trialswhich ordinary scholars never think of exploring. The ingenious mathematician, the original thinker, the rich depository of every known fact in the progress of science, would have appeared to any one ignorant of his name and character, and who happened to hear him talk on this subject, as a plodding antiquary, or, at best, as a curious and indefatigable reader of history, whom nature had blest with at least one strong faculty, that of memory. His conversation showed none of that straining after "thoughts that breathe, and words that burn," so conspicuous in his writings. In point of expression, it was simple, unaffected, and correct. Though he did not shine in mixed society, and was latterly unfitted, by a considerable degree of deafness, for enjoying it, his conversation, when seated with one or two, was highly entertaining. It had no wit, little repartee, and no fine turns of any kind; but it had a strongly original and racy cast, and was replete with striking remarks and curious information.

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tant. Sir James Mackintosh, indeed, has made a similar remark, and has, at the same time, stated that in such works those in most danger of being less ably exeon literary, moral, and political subjects are cuted.' Although Sir James has not attempted to explain the cause of this difference, it is, we think, not difficult to discover it. Owing to the abstract, and therefore unpopular, nature of mathematical and physical inquiries, philosophers have no inducement to compose new treatises accommodated to the existing state of knowledge, and if they were to compose them no bookseller would risk their publication. Hence it follows that works of this kind will continue to be sold as standard productions long after they have ceased to represent the science of which they treat-when their information has become antiquated, and their speculations exploded. The Optics of Dr. Smith, for example, and the Viewing the whole of his character, moral History of Vision' by Dr. Priestley, and intellectual, it must be confessed that it pre- were the prevailing works when Professor sented some blemishes and defects. He had Robison enlarged the treatise on Optics, prejudices of which it would have been better and wrote the article Telescope for the third to be rid; he was not over-charitable in his edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica. views of human nature; he was not so ready, Hence it is rarely elswhere than in the enon all occasions, to do justice to kindred merit as was to be expected in so ardent a worshipper cyclopædias of the day that we can expect of genius; and his care of his fortune went new and original treatises containing all much beyond what is seemly in a philosopher. the recent discoveries which have been But his faults were far more than compensated made in the exact sciences. The case is by his many good qualities; by his constant entirely different with works on popular equanimity, his cheerfulness, his simplicity of character almost infantile, his straightforward- subjects, such as chemistry, literature, hisness, his perfect freedom from affectation, and, tory, biography, and political philosophy. above all, his unconquerable good nature. He A wider circle of readers creates an inwas, indeed, one of the most placable of human creased demand for productions of this beings; and notwithstanding his general atten- kind, and hence new and superior editions tion to his own interests, it is yet undeniable speedily remunerate the labour of the authat he was a warm and good friend, and a re- thor and the enterprise of the bookseller. lation on whose affectionate assistance a firm Writers of acknowledged eminence in these reliance ever could be placed. He was fond of society, and greatly preferred and prized that of the intelligent and refined; but no man ever was more easily pleased: no fastidiousness ever interfered with his enjoyment of the passing hour: he could be happy, and never failed to converse in his usual way, though in the hum

departments of knowledge have already an interest in their own separate books, and consequently persons of inferior distinc

* Art. LESLIE, Sir John, vol. xiii., p. 251.

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