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Father Hierosme Lallemant, superior; Father Joseph Bressany and our brother Liegeois; Joseph Molere and Christophle Renant, domestici perpetui, cum spe ingrediendi in societatem. Monsieur de Tilly and Monsieur Godefroy were of the party, also Monsieur Bourdon.

Father Paul Ragueneau was left as Vicesuperior.

On the same day, the bark for Montreal sailed, which conveyed Father Joseph Du Peron to Three Rivers.

Father Joseph du

Father Poncet.

On the 7th, I went to make the visitations at Cap tourmente, Beaupré, Beauport, and Cap rouge; and, again passing by Sillery, I went to the hill of Ste. Genevieve, and did not return to Quebec until the fifteenth. I heard about 90 general Confessions, etc. Father Poncet accompanied me, and Jean Caron. On the 10th, Simon Guyon, Courville, and Fishery of the Seal. Lespiné start by canoe for the Seal-Hunt toward Tadoussac, according to the agreement by a contract of association with Monsieur de Tilly, Monsieur Buissot, and Monsieur Godefroy. This last has received orders to go to france, to obtain the right of this Fishery or hunt for Seals at [blank space] from Messieurs of the Company; and to associate therein, as an eighth member, Monsieur Rozee. Besides this scheme for the Seal-fishery, they intend to attract the Savages thither and thus carry on a good trade in Beavers; and to this end the aforesaid Courville, Lespine, and Simon Guyon had made a voyage into the Sagné, in order to make

7. Hurons pris par

Les Iroquois.

Guyon auoient fait vn voyage dans le Sagné, pour lier la partie auec les sauuages, & ietter le hameçon de cette traite. Ledit voyage se fit Dans le moys d'octobre, & ils en rapporterent enuiron 300 [blank space] Castors.

Le 22. La barque qui auoit esté enuoyée a Montréal, pour y porter l'anguille &c. n'ayant pû monter plus loin que les trois Riuieres, retourna icy a Quebec. le lac St. Pierre commençoit a se glacer, & le vent n'estoit pas fauorable pour ce voyage. Cette barque apporta la nouuelle de la prise de 7. Hurons de la bande de Honda' Kont, par les Annie'ronnons, qui n'auoient que trois canots, et n'estoient que 17 ou 18 en nombre. ces Hurons pris furent Atieronhonk, Otraɣahe, Etioʻton, Otrihore, Sa,o8endoiak, Tehonande'ton & [blank space]. ils furent pris a la veue de Montreal. & de dix canots Hurons, qui prirent la fuite.

Le 22sme i'allay faire vne seconde visite au cap rouge, &c. et en retournay le 24sme, auec le P. Poncet.

La Sr st Dõique.


Le 6sme. Armand & Tichion8amie partent pour les Trois Riuieres chargez des ordres de Mr. le Gouuerneur pour la fortification de la place, & pour la deffense contre les Iroquois.

Le 8sme. La sœur de St. Dominique fit sa Profession aux Vrsulines, celebrante Patre De Quen, concionante Patre Chastelain. Mr

arrangements with the savages, and cast the hook for this trade. The said voyage took place In the month of october; and they brought back about 300 [blank space] Beavers.

On the 22nd, The bark which had been sent to Montréal to carry thither the eels, etc., not having been able to ascend above three Rivers, returned here to Quebec; lake St. Pierre was beginning to freeze, and the wind was not favorable for this voyage. This bark brought news of the capture of 7 Hurons of the band of Honda'kont, by the Annie'ronnons, who had only three canoes, and were only 17 or 18 in number. These captured Hurons were Atieronhonk, Otrawahe, Etio‘ton, Otrihore, Saowendoiak, Tehonande'ton, and [blank space]. They were captured in sight of Montreal, and of ten Huron canoes, which took flight.

On the 22nd, I went to make a second visitation at cap rouge, etc., and returned on the 24th, with Father Poncet.


On the 6th, Armand and Tichionwamie start for Three Rivers, charged with Monsieur the Governor's orders for the fortification of the place, and for its defense against the Iroquois.

7 Hurons taken by The Iroquois.

On the 8th, sister St. Dominique " made Sister st. Dominique. her Profession at the Ursulines', celebrante Patre De Quen, concionante Patre Chastelain. Monsieur the Governor, Monsieur Menoil, Monsieur de St. Sauveur, and Monsieur Vignal

La S de La passion.

Ire, messe a L'eglise nouuelle

Et La benit.

Le P. L. garreau.

Incendie des Vrsul par Leur boulangerie.

le Gouuerneur, Mr Menoil Mr. de St Sauueur & Mr. Vignal. vinrent disner en nostre refectoire. Mr Le Gouuerneur nous traitant.

Le 27. La sœur de La Passion fit sa profession aux Hospitalieres, celebrante P. Chaumonot, me concionante & admittente vota. Mr. de St. Sauueur & Mr Vignal vinrent disner en nostre refectoire, les Meres hospitalieres no9 ayant enuoya de quoy.

Le 24. le P. Poncet dit La premiere messe a l'eglise nouuelle, & eam benedixit.

Le P. Poncet dit la messe de mynuit a la nouuelle eglise le P. Mercier céans, le P. La Place a 1 hospital, le P. Garreau chez Martin Grouuel, & moy chez Mr. Giffard a Beauport Mr. de St. Sauueur a la coste de Ste Geneuieue.

La 30sme Dec. enuiron sur les vne ou deux heures apres mynuit le feu ayant pris dans la boulangerie des Meres Vrsulines, toute leur maison en fut bruslée, & a peine se peurent elles sauuer quasi nuës. on ne peut rien sauuer des meubles, sinon de la sacristie.

La perte fut iugée estre de quarante mille francs. Les Meres Hospitalieres les receurent charitablement. & nous taschasmes de les assister de tout nostre pouuoir. Le memoire en sera fait, & inseré cy-apres. Ce fut de l'aduis vniuersel de tous nos Peres, qu'on iugea que la charité nous obligeoit de donner ce secours a ces bonnes meres.

Le 2sme, iour de Ianuier la Conclusion fut

came to dine in our refectory,- Monsieur The Governor treating us.

On the 27th, sister de La Passion made her Sister de La passion. profession at the Hospital nuns', celebrante Patre Chaumonot, me concionante et admittente vota. Monsieur de St. Sauveur and Monsieur Vignal came to dine in our refectory, the hospital Mothers having sent us the wherewithal.

On the 24th, Father Poncet said The first mass at the new church, et eam benedixit.

Father Poncet said the midnight mass at the new church, Father Mercier here, Father La Place at the hospital, Father Garreau at Martin Grouvel's, and I at Monsieur Giffard's at Beauport; Monsieur de St. Sauveur at the hill of Ste. Genevieve.

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On the 30th of December, about one or two hours after midnight, fire caught in the bakery of the Ursuline Mothers, and their whole house was burned; and with difficulty could they escape, almost naked. Nothing of the furniture could be saved, except that of the sacristy.. The loss was estimated at forty thousand francs. The Hospital Mothers received them charitably, and we tried to assist them to the utmost of our power. The statement of this aid will be made and inserted hereinafter. It was by the general opinion of all our Fathers, that we decided that charity obliged us to give this assistance to these good mothers.

On the 2nd day of January, the Decision was made, unanimi omnium Patrum consensu,

1st mass at The new church, And The consecration.

Father Leonard


Fire at the Ursulines', from Their bakery.

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