Commanding-in-Chief downwards ; she could dismiss all the sailors too ; she could sell off all our ships of war and all our naval stores ; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She could make... The English Constitution - Página xxxixpor Walter Bagehot - 2007 - 368 páginasVista previa limitada - Acerca de este libro
 | Walter Bagehot - 1873 - 362 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores ; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...offenders. In a word, the Queen could by prerogative upset all the action of civil government within the government, could disgrace the nation by a bad war or... | |
 | Walter Bagehot - 1877 - 488 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores ; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...offenders. In a word, the Queen could by prerogative upset all the action of civil government within the government, could disgrace the nation by a bad war or... | |
 | Edmund Yates, Walter Sichel, Ernest Belfort Bax - 1879 - 776 páginas
...begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She could make every citizen in the United Kingdom, male and female, a peer ; she could make every parish in the...In a word, the Queen could, by prerogative, upset all the action of civil government within the Government. Could disgrace the nation by a bad war or... | |
 | Edmund Yates, Walter Sichel, Ernest Belfort Bax - 1879 - 780 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores ; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...could make every citizen in the United Kingdom, male and female, a peer ; she could make every parish in the United Kingdom a university ; she could dismiss... | |
 | Edmund Yates, Walter Sichel, Ernest Belfort Bax - 1879 - 780 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...could make every citizen in the United Kingdom, male and female, a peer; she could make every parish in the United Kingdom a university; she could dismiss... | |
 | Sheldon Amos - 1880 - 548 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores; she could ' make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin ' a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...In ' a word, the Queen could by prerogative upset all the ' action of civil government within the realm, could ' disgrace the nation by a bad war or... | |
 | Sheldon Amos - 1880 - 556 páginas
...our ships of war and all our naval stores ; she could ' make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin ' a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...the civil servants ; she could pardon all offenders. ID ' a word, the Queen could by prerogative upset all the ' action of civil government within the realm,... | |
 | Thomas Hay Sweet Escott - 1880 - 652 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...could make every citizen in the United Kingdom, male and female, a peer; she could make every parish in the United Kingdom a university ; she could dismiss... | |
 | David Syme - 1881 - 290 páginas
...all our ships of war, and all our naval stores ; she could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...' university;' she could dismiss most of the civil 1 Fifty Years of the English Constitution, p. 359. servants ; she could pardon all offenders. In a... | |
 | 1882 - 528 páginas
...all our ships of war and all our naval stores. She could make a peace by the sacrifice of Cornwall, and begin a war for the conquest of Brittany. She...offenders. In a word, the Queen could by prerogative upset all the action of civil government within the realm ; could disgrace the nation by a bad peace or war... | |
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