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Introduction-General reasons for believing the novels to have been written by the author of Marmion


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Resemblance between the novelist and poet in their tastes, studies, and habits of life, as illustrated by their works. Both Scotchmen-Habitual residents in Edinburgh-Poets-Antiquaries-German and Spanish scholars-Equal in classical attainments-Deeply read in British history-Lawyers-Fond of field sportsOf Dogs-Acquainted with most manly exercises-Lovers of military subjects-The novelist apparently not a soldier



Subject of Letter II. continued-The novelist is, like the poet, a man of good society-His stories never betray forgetfulness of honourable principles, or ignorance of good mannersSpirited pictures of gentlemanly character-Colonel Mannering-Judicious treatment of elevated historical per


The novelist quotes and praises most contemporary poets, except the author of Marmion-Instances in which the poet has appeared to slight his own unacknowledged, but afterwards avowed productions



The Poetry of the author of Marmion generally characterized
-His habits of composition and turn of mind, as a poet, com-
pared with those of the novelist-Their descriptions simply
conceived and composed, without abstruse and far-fetched
circumstances or refined comments-Great advantage de-
rived by both from accidental combinations of images, and
the association of objects in the mind with persons, events,
&c.-Distinctness and liveliness of effect in narrative and
description-Narrative usually picturesque or dramatic, or
both-Distinctness, &c. of effect, produced in various ways--
Instances Striking pictures of individuals-Their persons,

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Comparison of particular passages-Descriptions-Miscella-
neous thoughts-Instances, in which the two writers have
resorted to the same sources of information, and borrowed the

same incidents, &c.Same authors quoted by both-The
poet, like the novelist, fond of mentioning his contemporaries,
whether as private friends or as men publicly distinguished-
Author of Marmion never notices the author of Waverley,
(see Letter III.)-Both delight in frequently introducing an
antiquated or fantastic dialect-Peculiarities of expression
common to both writers-Conclusion

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